Thursday, November 18, 2010

images in motion

I thought that after getting my nikon d300, my lenses, my flashes, my macs... I was pretty much done. But oh god I was wrong. Images are ok (though I'm feeling kind of stuck) and I've sorted of filmed video with that obsolete huge sony we have, but now you can have images in motion with that beautiful blurry blackgrounds - I'm thinking a relatively cheap canon 7d with a 50mm 1.4 or even better a 85 1.8 since they're both the same price-; add some matching music and there you have your first deliciously moody (fashion) film. The video quality and the blur effect are so good, I've actually been modeling for some spots in which the 5d was used. You really need no more... 7d is a little cheaper so that would be my choice right now. Oh but I need to save! no more pretty clothes (shoes?) for me in a while... worthy for sure, if I can make it!

PD: Oh if I could only put my hands on the Litas...!

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